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Veterans Serving Veterans: Logan Alum Gives Back in a Big Way

“They have seen quite a bit of action – injuries ranging from black eyes, to gunshot wounds to the head, to severed limbs. My medics out there have done great things and helped to save the lives of many. Another two Soldiers are currently serving as medics on Convoys with one of our Infantry Battalions. They see improvised explosive device (IED) and small arms fire attacks nearly every time they go out. One of the two will earn his CMB (Combat Medical Badge) soon – awarded to any medic who treats casualties while under fire… Back here at Camp Liberty in Baghdad – where our main effort is – we have seen our share of patients as well. We currently have a Soldier in our Patient Holding facility that received the Purple Heart for bravery and courage. His convoy was hit with an IED and he sustained seven fairly large shrapnel wounds and still has pieces of metal stuck all over his body.”

Reading letters written by Aaron Armetta, DC, MS, CSCS, ART while serving as a medical officer in Iraq tells you a lot about his reason for choosing a career in health care. What he observed during two combat tours over the course of five active duty years ignited a passion that led him down the path of serving others.

“While working in the medical treatment facilities, I was always surprised that there were physical therapists on hand, but never chiropractors available for post-surgical care. I started thinking that there had to be a better way to treat people besides drugs,” he said. “When it came close to the time I was able to get off active duty, I started researching what I could do to provide a more natural way of healing.”

In 2012, Dr. Armetta graduated with his Doctor of Chiropractic and later earned his Master’s in Sports Science and Rehabilitation from Logan. He opened his own practice in Fisher, Ill., before being offered the opportunity to serve as a chiropractor to active military and veterans near Fort Benning, Ga.

“Working at Brodwyn Military Chiropractic was my first time working with the military. It was extremely rewarding and fulfilled a passion I had for giving back to those who care so much about our country,” said Dr. Armetta, adding that it was then he realized the potential of conservative care with military.

Delivering on that promise, Dr. Armetta currently practices alongside a fellow military veteran and chiropractor Nathan Lauenstein, DC at Functional Performance Chiropractic & Wellness in Omaha, Neb.

Together and coming full circle, they treat patients and give back to veterans in the form of chiropractic care. They also participate in the Veteran’s Choice Program, which gives veterans who don’t have access to a VA chiropractor the opportunity to receive health care at a chiropractic practice near their residence.

“One of the most enjoyable things about working with veterans is being able to connect to their situation and the conversation,” said Dr. Armetta. “As someone who has been through it, not only can I examine and diagnose, but I can relate to them on a personal level.”