
Summer 2024 A.C.E.S. Workshop, July 15 – 19, 2024.

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“The Defamation Experience” Performance Encourages Dialogue on Diversity

This week, Logan University presented an interactive diversity program called “The Defamation Experience,” wherein issues of race, religion, ethnicity, gender and class were addressed through a mock courtroom trial.

The trial centered around an African American female business owner suing a wealthy Jewish North Shore real estate developer for defamation. The business owner had to prove that the real estate developer had made a false accusation and that it had caused her financial damages.

Students, faculty and staff who attended had the opportunity to be the jury and participate in the deliberations and post-show discussion, all designed to encourage greater tolerance and understanding.

Logan’s Chief of Compliance and Engagement Herbert Caldwell, who helped bring The Defamation Experience to Logan along with Student Affairs and Human Resources, said he strives to create opportunities that encourage people to think about, and have dialogues on, diversity, equity and inclusion.

Part of that, he said, is helping bring various platforms to Logan that address the sometimes complex issues that arise in society as well as in higher education.

“It is the mission of Logan University to be a diverse and engaging community that produces leaders in health and wellness,” he said “As leaders, we should be armed with the mindset and tools to be able to navigate with civility both our professional and personal experiences with those who may differ from us in background, ideology, gender, ability, race, religion, political view and any other way.”

Herbert hopes the event will serve as a springboard for the Logan community to have thoughtful conversation around topics that are often difficult to talk about.