
Summer 2024 A.C.E.S. Workshop, July 15 – 19, 2024.

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Statement on George Floyd Tragedy

Dear Logan faculty, staff, students and community:

Like so many people around the nation, we are experiencing feelings of sadness, frustration and anger as we try to wrap our minds around the violent and tragic events that took place in Minneapolis last week and the countless others that have occurred both in St. Louis and around the country. This is yet another reminder that we have not yet reached a “perfect Union” and we continue to see evidence of racism and inequity that has plagued our society since it’s inception.

Violence and social injustice have no place in any community, and we know that these events may be causing pain and fear among members of our Logan community. Please know that we are here for you and stand with you in solidarity, and we are a safe haven for freedom of thought, diversity and inclusion.

At all times and in all places, I ask each and every one of you to uphold the values set forth by this institution: diversity, empathy, student first, positive attitude, evidence informed, character and teamwork. Please take time to show care, concern and compassion for one another. Embrace and respect your differences and the opinions of others. And look for ways to engage in meaningful and civil dialogue so we can continue to create a culture grounded on mutual understanding and respect.

There is a much higher call to action that demands our attention as we address social injustices and inequities among all individuals, law enforcement and the press. Let us take action, not with violence and hate, but with peaceful discourse and collaboration. To paraphrase former First Lady Michelle Obama: “When they go low, we go high.” Let us be united in reflecting the best of our nation, standing by our freedoms and exercising our fundamental rights as a citizen.



Clay McDonald