
Summer 2024 A.C.E.S. Workshop, July 15 – 19, 2024.

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Share Your Words of Encouragement with Students

With just a few weeks left in the spring trimester, Logan is asking faculty, staff, alumni and friends to provide messages of hope and encouragement to students at Logan.edu/WeCare.

Like so many institutions of higher education, Logan postponed Spring Commencement until August and is now making arrangements to hold other end-of-trimester activities virtually. This is especially hard on our graduating students who will not have a chance to return to campus and celebrate this important milestone with their family, classmates and instructors.

Please consider posting a message at Logan.edu/WeCare to let students know they are being thought of and supported during these difficult times. Your words of encouragement can make a difference and serve as much-needed inspiration for our hard-working students.

Thank you for being an important part of the Logan community.