Logan Faculty Publications
Logan University supports faculty and staff in conducting rigorous scientific research – clinical, basic science, educational, and more – that supports public health care by investigating the applications and outcomes of chiropractic care, promoting community wellness and quality of life, and developing research partners through collaboration and practice-based research networks.
Research Calendar
Upcoming Research submission deadlines, conferences, and important dates. Click the link below to browse research conferences and events around the world. Also check out what research activities are happening at the Logan University Campus.

Logan University Research Scholars
This is the 2nd year (May 2023 – May 2024)
May 2023 was the first year we awarded scholarship pins.
Scholarship from May 2022 – May 2023.
“Evidence-based Musculoskeletal Care for Pediatric Health Conditions.”
17th World Federation of Chiropractic’s Biennial Congress conference
Gold Coast Australia 2023
Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre
Queensland, Australia
October 11-14, 2023
Platform Presentation
“Expansion and Community Awareness: The Impact of Dr. George A. Goodman and Logan College”
Association for the History of Chiropractic
43rd Annual Conference
Palmer College of Chiropractic, Port Orange, FL.
June 15, 2024
Received his blue Logan Research Scholarship Pin in May 2023 – This is a new publication in 2024)
Shi D, Billham JF, Battaglia PJ, Specht TJ, Davenport JA, Kettner NW: Ultrasonography in diagnosis of distal biceps tendinosis: A case series. Ultrasound.
2024 Mar https://doi.org/10.1177/1742271X241234007
Poster Presentation
“Proximal median nerve schwannoma sonographic findings: A case report”
30th Annual Educational & Research Agenda Conference
The Healthcare Evolution
San Diego, CA
March 21 – 23, 2024
“Chiropractic Approaches to Women’s Health and Well-being”
17th World Federation of Chiropractic’s Biennial Congress conference
Gold Coast Australia 2023
Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre
Queensland, Australia
October 11-14, 2023
Guideline for selecting recipients of Logan Research Scholarship pins
First authors of peer-reviewed publications.
First authors of posters, platforms, or workshops who presented in a peer-reviewed conference.
- Blue Scholarship Pin
- faculty member who has their first peer-reviewed paper/abstract accepted to a conference (workshop, platform or poster) or journal.
- Bronze Scholarship Pin
- faculty member who has their fifth peer-reviewed paper/abstract accepted to a conference (workshop, platform or poster) or journal).
- Silver Scholarship Pin
- faculty member who has their tenth peer-reviewed paper/abstract accepted to a conference (workshop, platform or poster) or journal). BUT, they must have at least one journal publication among the ten.
- Gold Scholarship Pin
- faculty member who has 25 peer-reviewed papers/abstracts accepted to a conference (workshop, platform or poster) or journal. To receive this level, the faculty member must have at least five that are journal publications.
Logan University Visiting Scholars Program hosts research seminars that are provided by eminent clinical and scientific scholars from institutions around the US including NIH, Harvard Medical School and Stanford University School of Medicine. Logan also highlights student presentations and discussions.

Institutional Review Board
The function of the Institutional Review Board is to protect persons participating in research. Accordingly, the IRB shall review and approve (or not approve) any project or experiment involving human subjects that is conducted by Logan University faculty, students, staff, clinic personnel or administrators, or which utilizes university resources, facilities, or equipment, or is conducted at other locations through collaboration with other institutions. The IRB maintains this focus through a group process to review research protocols and related material (e.g., informed consent documents and investigator materials) to ensure that research involving human subjects is planned and carried out in accord with ethical guidelines and federal regulations as set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations 45 CFR 46, the National Research Act, Public Law 93-348, the Declarations of Helsinki and the Neurenberg Code.
- IRB Proposal Section I (Word Document)
- IRB Proposal Section II (Word Document)
- Guide to Writing a Consent Form
Learn more about Logan’s research program and how to participate by contacting us below.
ACC-RAC 2023
The Association of Chiropractic Colleges is a leadership organization of chiropractic educational programs in the United States and Canada that serves to advance excellence in education by leading a mutually supportive chiropractic academic community, and by supporting student learning, research and evidence informed practice.
Next conference date: Thursday, Mar 23 – Saturday, Mar 25
Click below for registration information
Respectfully submitted by Dean of Research, Norman W. Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC
ACC-RAC 2023 Conference Report Summary: ACC-RAC accepted work were received from faculty, previous faculty, residents and fellows, alumni, adjunct-faculty, staff, administration, VA Residency, and students in departments representing both colleges on campus and other research collaborations.

The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)
The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) is dedicated to serving the training needs of colleges and universities, healthcare institutions, technology and research organizations, and governmental agencies, as they foster integrity and professional advancement of their learners.

Institutional Review Board
The function of the Institutional Review Board is to protect persons participating in research. Accordingly, the IRB shall review and approve (or not approve) any project or experiment involving human subjects that is conducted by Logan University faculty, students, staff, clinic personnel or administrators, or which utilizes university resources, facilities, or equipment, or is conducted at other locations through collaboration with other institutions. The IRB maintains this focus through a group process to review research protocols and related material (e.g., informed consent documents and investigator materials) to ensure that research involving human subjects is planned and carried out in accord with ethical guidelines and federal regulations as set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations 45 CFR 46, the National Research Act, Public Law 93-348, the Declarations of Helsinki and the Neurenberg Code.

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Research At Logan
Research Guide
Your Guide to Research
Publishing a Case Report
Chair, Department of Radiology, Logan Health Center
Logan University
Elsevier Guide for Authors
Click HereAdditional Resources
Journal of Pain
- Increased Salience Network Connectivity Following Manual Therapy is Associated with Reduced Pain in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients. J Pain. 2021 May;22(5):545-555.
- Brain mechanisms of anticipated painful movements and their modulation by manual therapy in chronic low back pain. J Pain. 2018 Nov;19(11):1352-1365.
Contact Us
Learn more about Logan’s research program and how to participate by contacting the Dean of Research, Norman Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC