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DC Student’s Dedication Reiterates Clinician’s Love for Working at Logan


Nearly 4,000 miles from his home in Honolulu, HI on the island of O’ahu, Keeyan Parker, trimester 10 DC student, found a new home at Logan University.

“Logan is like one big family,” said Parker. “Between sharing notes or giving real-world advice, everyone is always trying to help each other.”

Currently in the pediatric rotation at the Montgomery Health Center, Keeyan enjoys being able to work with kids and see the difference chiropractic care makes in their lives.

“Working with kids is aways fun,” said Parker. “Especially as a parent, seeing how the little things like posture correction can improve a child’s life is awesome.”

Dr. Allison Harvey, DC and senior clinician of pediatrics, praises Keeyan’s dedication in the pediatric rotation and says he raises the bar for everyone.

“Keeyan is the type of student that reminds me every day why I love to work in a teaching clinic,” said Dr. Harvey. “He is truly dedicated and invested in our patients and in the success of the pediatric rotation.”

Being a parent and going through the DC degree program is no easy task, but Keeyan advises other parents to keep pushing and not give up.

“While it might be hard sometimes, it will be so worth it in the end,” said Keeyan. “It’s doable and your kids will value the hard work they see you doing.”

Keeyan will complete the DC program in December and plans to move back to Hawaii with his family.

“He will be missed here in the pediatric clinic,” said Dr. Harvey. “But we are so happy he gets to go home. They are lucky to have him.”