
Summer 2024 A.C.E.S. Workshop, July 15 – 19, 2024.

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Sports Science & Rehab Student Sets Sights on Opening Training Gym

Master of Science in Sports Science & Rehabilitation student Victoriano Mesa has always been an active person, but it wasn’t until just a few years ago that he started his journey in powerlifting.

“Sophomore year of college, I was working out at the rec center and someone asked me if I was on the powerlifting team. I had no idea what that even was,” said Victoriano. “I went to the powerlifting gym for a few weeks and really enjoyed it, so I decided to stick with it and see what I could do.”

He didn’t originally plan to lift competitively but decided to give it a shot to see how much stronger he could become through training.

“At my first competition, I immediately knew this was something I wanted to continue to pursue. The community is so welcoming, and because I’ve had such a positive experience from the beginning, it’s pushed me to challenge myself and grow more than I thought possible,” Victoriano said.

Victoriano is currently training for the North American Championship taking place in St. Louis this November.

“A lot of the preparation is mental. Coming into the gym every day and doing the same training without much variety can get old, but it’s important to trust the process and remember that your coach knows exactly what to do to help you perform at your best,” Victoriano said.

Having a great coach is part of what inspired Victoriano to pursue a career in the exercise science field. In fact, Victoriano and his brother have plans to one day open their own training gym.

“Our gym will be called Bloodline Athletics and will focus on building athletes,” said Victoriano. “We want everyone to know that no matter where they’re currently at in their fitness journey, there is an ancient warrior in their bloodline, and they can tap into that strength and power.”

Now, Victoriano is focusing on learning everything he can to ensure he’s able to help his future clients.

“In five years, I hope to take over a high school or collegiate strength program to build my reputation as a strength coach before opening my own gym,” Victoriano said. “Earning my master’s degree from Logan, which will prepare me to sit for my Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certification, is really going to help me achieve those goals.”