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WFC Secretary-General Dr. Richard Brown

Logan to Host WFC ACC Global Education Conference this November

Logan University and the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) maintain a long-standing partnership built upon a shared mission to advance the chiropractic profession across the globe. The organizations’ relationship recently evolved when Logan was invited to host the 11th WFC Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) Global Education Conference November 2-5, 2022.

Logan’s affiliation with the WFC, which currently represents national associations of chiropractors in more than 90 countries, grew from a connection between Logan President Clay McDonald, DC (’82), MBA, JD and WFC Secretary-General Richard Brown, DC, LLM, FEAC, FRCC. After getting to know each other at meetings and conferences, the two agreed to expand the partnership between their organizations. In June 2020, Logan became the WFC’s premier corporate partner.

“Logan and the WFC are strongly aligned in mission, vision and values,” Dr. McDonald said. “For many years, it has served Logan well as a resource, supporter and champion of our students, faculty and graduates. As an international organization, it also gives Logan the opportunity to stay abreast of, contribute to and participate in the ever-changing world of global health care.”

The organizations strengthened their ties even further when the WFC invited Logan to become the WFC ACC Global Education Conference’s venue sponsor in August 2021.

“The Logan University campus is spectacular and among the most beautiful I have visited, and the chance to deliver a presentation to students at the Purser Center in 2016 was an honor I’ll never forget,” Dr. Brown said. “Between my experience, Logan’s central and easily accessible location in the United States, and our mutual relationship with the conference’s premier sponsor, Activator Methods International, all the stars aligned. We were thrilled when Dr. McDonald agreed to let us host an event of such global relevance on Logan’s campus.”

The conference will attract educators, researchers, academics and association leaders from around the world, showcasing the very best in chiropractic educational learning, innovation and research. This year’s theme is “Leveling Up: Creating Consistency in Chiropractic Education.”

“A lack of consistency in chiropractic education is one of the biggest global challenges facing our profession,” Dr. Brown said. “This year’s conference theme will spotlight the importance of ensuring all chiropractors have a similar skillset and have mastered key competencies regardless of the school they graduated from or the country where they practice.”

As venue sponsor and a member of the conference’s planning committee, Dr. McDonald is looking forward to welcoming industry leaders to Logan as well as continuing to bolster the university’s relationship with the WFC.

“To change health care for the better, you have to think globally,” Dr. McDonald said. “While the U.S. may have pioneered the chiropractic profession, more schools and practices are opening up around the world every day. Cultivating Logan’s partnership with the WFC is critical to achieving our shared objective of improving access to chiropractic care everywhere.”

For the WFC, working with organizations like Logan is critical to fulfilling its goal to be “EPIC,” or Evidence-based, People-centered, Interprofessional and Collaborative.

“Logan and the WFC are so much stronger together when working toward a common target,” Dr. Brown said. “We hope to continue developing our partnership to become the best versions of ourselves that we can be.”

While there is synchrony between Logan and the WFC, Drs. McDonald and Brown also have a lot in common. Both men grew up in rural areas, have advanced law degrees and share a passion for chiropractic education.

“Dr. McDonald is a catalyst for change,” Dr. Brown said. “He stands for the same things I do. There is a natural chemistry between us that stems from our positivity, enthusiasm and drive to make things happen in the world of chiropractic. I have tremendous respect for our relationship.”

Authors from all nations are encouraged to submit abstracts for the WFC ACC Global Education Conference that describe their chiropractic educational research and innovations before June 1, 2022. Material should be pertinent to teaching, learning, assessment, evaluation, faculty development, governance or any area of education.

Additional information about the conference, including registration and abstract submission details, is available on the WFC website.

2022 WFC ACC Global Education Conference