
Summer 2024 A.C.E.S. Workshop, July 15 – 19, 2024.

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Drs. Kate Wagner, Quen Bell and Jamie Young

Logan Alumnae Find Success as Instructors at Maryville University

Logan University Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) graduates are well-prepared for a variety of rewarding careers, including in education. Three former Logan students are using their DC degrees as instructors at Maryville University in St. Louis.

Quen Bell, DC (’07)

Dr. Quen Bell

After graduating from Logan, Dr. Bell moved to Los Angeles to practice chiropractic with her aunt; however, she quickly discovered a passion for patient education. “It didn’t take long for me to realize teaching was my favorite part of my job,” she said.

Dr. Bell also believed a career in academia would allow her to spend more time with her four children. When she returned to St. Louis, she started teaching part time at nursing schools in need of instructors. She began a full-time position at Maryville after the COVID-19 pandemic spurred a staffing shortage at universities across the region.

As a biological science general education instructor, Dr. Bell teaches an array of courses, including biology, anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and nutrition. She is grateful for the example that Logan professors set for her.

“Logan University prepared us to be educators as well as health care professionals,” Dr. Bell said. “Lectures consisted of so much more than professors regurgitating information in our textbooks. They inspired us with their passion. When I stand in front of my students, I hope they enjoy their learning experience as much as I did.”

Jamie Young, DC (‘07), MS

Dr. Jamie Young

When she was growing up, Dr. Young’s father told her she would make a great college professor due to her love of learning, interacting with people and appreciation for science. But she didn’t believe she was cut out for a career in education until she started teaching as a graduate assistant.

Currently an assistant professor of biology, Dr. Young has taught at Maryville since 2011. She serves as the lead instructor for the university’s anatomy and physiology series, which includes students from physical therapy, nursing, occupational therapy, exercise science and biology programs.

“The value of having a chiropractor provide the first exposure to anatomy and physiology to future nurses, doctors and physical therapists cannot be overstated,” Dr. Young said. “It’s becoming increasingly obvious the future of health care lies in the ability to work within all disciplines. We owe it to our patients to provide a multifaceted approach, and the earlier students can interact with chiropractors, the better.”

Dr. Young believes her experience at Logan prepared her for her role at Maryville. “I could never forget setting up model patients for X-ray imaging or practicing doctor-patient verbal interactions,” she said. “The active learning that I enjoyed as a student has influenced my ability to design engaging exercises in my own classrooms and labs.”

Dr. Kate WagnerKate Wagner, DC (’17) 

Dr. Wagner planned to go to medical school until she started working at her family chiropractor’s office as a college student. “I was in awe that chiropractors could make such immediate, massive changes in their patients’ lives,” she said.

Logan was Dr. Wagner’s first and only choice because of its reputation as a highly respected chiropractic college and proximity to her home in St. Louis. Shortly after graduating and opening her own practice, she was offered a position as an adjunct instructor at Maryville. For the last four years, she has taught biology, anatomy, physiology and nutrition to freshmen.

“My professors at Logan were the highlight of my experience,” Dr. Wagner said. “All of them went above and beyond to contribute to my education, and I try to do the same for my students. The knowledge they learn in my classroom sets the foundation for the rest of their education and careers.”

Dr. Wagner is currently preparing for an additional role as a chiropractic physician at Mercy Integrative Medicine and Therapy Services.

“My jobs are complimentary,” Dr. Wagner said. “My students enjoy discussing my clinical experience in class. Sometimes a piece of information seems unimportant to them until I walk them through a scenario when it was relevant. I see them perk up as they realize a seemingly insignificant detail is actually applicable. On the other hand, some patients need reassurance about their condition, and I say, ‘This is so common that my students and I are discussing it.’”