
Summer 2024 A.C.E.S. Workshop, July 15 – 19, 2024.

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Alumni from Advanced Care Specialists Visit Logan for Recruitment

Emma Minx, DC (’14), CCSP, MS (’15), Nicholas Kampfer, DC (’14) and Jonathan Saigh, DC (’15) of Advanced Care Specialists (ACS) visited Logan’s campus earlier this week to recruit future Logan graduates for chiropractic positions within their multidisciplinary clinic.

“At our clinic, there are multiple medical providers working in one location, meaning chiropractors have a unique opportunity to co-treat with other medical providers,” said Dr. Minx, who serves as clinic director at ACS in Racine, Wisconsin. “We are growing as a clinic and looking to expand. We are working to change health care by creating a comprehensive and efficient patient experience.”

As Logan graduates, Drs. Minx, Kampfer and Saigh believe Logan University provides students with a solid educational foundation and develops well-rounded chiropractors who would be a welcome addition to the ACS team, which includes an MD, a physical therapist, physical therapy assistants, athletic trainer, massage therapist and nurse practitioners in addition to chiropractors.

“The goal of our visit is to get the word out about ACS and the opportunities that we can offer current and future graduates,” said Dr. Minx. “Our chiropractors have the opportunity to take on more responsibility than just adjusting; our goal is to develop and mentor our chiropractors so that they can succeed and grow, professionally and financially, within the company.”

Dr. Minx encourages students to network as much as possible, leave good impressions with everyone they meet and focus on developing patient care skills while in school.

“I remember clinicians telling me that the easiest part of being a chiropractor is adjusting. I didn’t believe them, but they were right,” Dr. Minx said. “The hardest part of the job is managing all different kinds of patients. In school, I didn’t spend enough time developing my patient management skills because I was so focused on perfecting my adjusting techniques. While in school, try to work on your patient care skills and technique simultaneously.”