
Summer 2024 A.C.E.S. Workshop, July 15 – 19, 2024.

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Community Atmosphere Helps Transfer Student Thrive at Logan

Each year, an average of seven students decide to make a change in their educational career and transfer to Logan University. Trimester 7 student Max Sauer realized that need for change just over two years ago.

After spending nearly a year studying at another chiropractic college, Max felt his experience wasn’t quite as hands-on as he would have liked, and he began researching other colleges and universities. When he came across Logan’s website, he was impressed with the Assessment Center program. Intrigued by the opportunity for immediate hands-on experience with standardized patients, Max scheduled a campus visit.

“When I first arrived at Logan for my tour, I was taken aback by how large the campus is,” Max said. “Every other chiropractic college or university I had visited seemed so miniscule in comparison.”

Where other schools’ entire campus is made up of one building, Logan boasts 112 acres of green space, forests, water features and one of the nation’s top health sciences universities.

“Every aspect of Logan University is organized and well-thought-out. I noticed this from the minute I stepped on campus,” said Max. “From the tour of the buildings to the way Logan’s curriculum and class schedules are set up, it’s clear that everything is designed with student success top-of-mind.”

Max has spent the last two years at Logan taking advantage of every opportunity that comes his way and always encourages his peers, future and prospective students to do the same. He’s served on the conduct committee, currently serves on the curriculum committee, is the president of Pi Kappa Chi fraternity, a member of Launch Club, a Leopard Leader, a tutor and an on-campus event volunteer.

“During my orientation, I remember one of the speakers telling us that when students feel like they’re part of a community, their success rate is statistically much higher,” Max said. “I took that to heart and have found it to be so true. The atmosphere at Logan is unmatched, and I strive to contribute to that sense of community.”