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White Coats for Black Lives Matter group photo

White Coats for Black Lives Matter

Devin Woods, trimester 5 chiropractic studentDevin Woods, trimester 5 chiropractic student, organized a photo opportunity today with her fellow Logan University students, faculty, and staff as part of a social media movement called “White Coats for Black Lives Matter.”

“I saw a few other chiropractic colleges across the country participating in this movement and I immediately knew I wanted to organize the same thing for Logan,” Devin said. “I wanted to give my peers a safe opportunity to get involved in the Black Lives Matter movement without putting themselves at risk.”

More than 30 Logan students, faculty and staff attended the photo opportunity at the Loomis Amphitheatre. Devin said she was proud of the turnout and proud of her peers, adding that this is just one of the reasons she loves Logan University so much.

“This university is passionate about holding diversity as one of its core values,” said Devin. “And they don’t just talk about diversity and inclusion – they truly practice what they preach.”

Having grown up in an underserved area of Oklahoma City, Devin set a goal for herself at a very young age to be an agent of change, not only for her neighborhood, but for the Black community across the country.

She’s held multiple leadership positions in various Black and minority organizations throughout her time in high school, undergrad, and now at Logan.

“I’m a Student Ambassador, a Leopard Leader, a member of Kairos Training Culture and a member of the Student American Black Chiropractic Association,” Devin said. “Holding these positions and being part of these organizations allows me to work towards my goal to give back to my community and strive to leave places better than I found them.”