
Summer 2024 A.C.E.S. Workshop, July 15 – 19, 2024.

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Your Whole Health: Keeping Your Mind & Body Healthy

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, it has become increasingly important to maintain mindfulness and reduce stress. Physical activity is a great way to positively impact overall health and happiness.

Theresa DeLorenzo DCN, RD, Program Director of Nutrition and Human Performance at Logan, has been practicing yoga for 12 years.

“Activities like yoga can help clear your mind, decrease stress and help to prevent long-term chronic diseases,” said Dr. DeLorenzo.

Some of the same benefits can be found in meditation practices as well. Kristina Petrocco DC, MS, FICC, Director of Assessment and Accreditation at Logan has been meditating for nearly four years and initially started because she wanted to find ways to help keep her daughter calm and focused.

“Meditation can help with stress relief, which improves cognitive and sleep function, reduce blood pressure and reduce chances of cardiovascular disease.” Dr. Petrocco said.

Starting a new hobby can be challenging, but Drs. DeLorenzo and Petrocco believe it is a perfect way to feel more present and relaxed each day.

Some of their tips include:

  • Research. Find an app or website with classes that you like. For both yoga and meditation, classes vary in lengths, and contents. Be sure to find the type of class that fits you and your needs best.
  • Take small steps. Start slow and work your way up to practicing several times a week to see the most benefit. Like any skill, yoga and meditation both take time to develop.
  • Apply the practice to your life. Yoga and meditation can help you to connect your mind with your body and your breath. The more you focus and practice, the more you can apply these skills to everyday life or – in yoga terms – “off the mat.”
  • Don’t get discouraged. If you feel like something isn’t working for you, don’t give up. Continue to give yourself grace by allowing yourself to not be an expert when you first begin. Always give it your best – you’ll get out of it what you put into it.
  • Don’t view meditation or yoga as a “fitness class.” Remember the reason you’re developing these new skills: to clear your mind and stay present in life.