
Summer 2024 A.C.E.S. Workshop, July 15 – 19, 2024.

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From IT to Nutrition: Logan MS-AND Grad Realizes Passion for Nutrition

Michelle Hately discovered her passion for nutrition while working in an entirely different industry.

She was working in IT consulting and was on the road a lot. After a few years of progressing her career in the IT field, she realized she wasn’t truly passionate about the work she was doing.

“While I traveled, I was always listening to podcasts and reading books about health and nutrition simply because I was really interested in that,” said Michelle. “I decided to explore to that more to see what a career in that field could look like.”

Michelle started doing research and realized pretty quickly that she wanted to be a registered dietitian. However, it was challenging to find a program that didn’t require background in nutrition.

“When I came across Logan’s Master of Science in Applied Nutrition and Dietetics (MS-AND), I really liked that it was completely online so that I could continue working full time to financially support myself,” Michelle said.

Even though her classmates and professors were located around the world, Michelle felt very supported and enjoyed the level of collaboration with her peers. In April 2022, Michelle graduated from the MS-AND program.

“Now, I’m working as a long-term care dietitian for a network of nursing homes In Denver, Colorado,” said Michelle. “I see all the residents at each location, make nutrition care plans, and work closely with the kitchens to ensure they’re in line with local and federal guidelines.”

Michelle works to ensure all residents are properly nourished, which helps prevent unintentional weight loss, regain strength and mobility, and manage disease progression.

“I am so happy in my new profession. I truly believe that nutrition is the foundation of health and is the first line of defense in maintaining overall health and wellbeing,” Michelle said. “Nutrition is imperative in every single stage of life.”

In the next few decades, Michelle sees the health and nutrition industry blossoming even further. She encourages people to explore a career in this field as it continues growing.

“Nutrition is everywhere. If you’re passionate about health, you can positively impact many people’s lives by pursuing a career in this field.”

If you’re interested in learning more about Logan’s MS-AND program, click here.