
Summer 2024 A.C.E.S. Workshop, July 15 – 19, 2024.

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How to Choose a Chiropractic Program

Choosing a chiropractic school can be one of the most challenging choices aspiring Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) students must make. To help navigate the decision-making process, Logan University DC students Pierce Jackson and Grace Reinken offer insights into how and why they chose to call Logan home.

Q: How did you decide to go to chiropractic school?

Pierce Jackson: When I was working as a student trainer for the University of Memphis football team, I worked closely with Dr. Jude Miller, a Logan graduate. I asked him many questions about chiropractic care, how you get into chiropractic schools, what the lifestyle is like, and more. I then worked with Dr. Neal and Dr. Hogan, two other Logan graduates, at Memphis Spine and Sport, gaining hand-on learning experiences and an in-depth understanding of the profession. This pushed me to want to become a chiropractor.

Grace Reinken: I always knew I wanted to help people and have always been drawn to the medical world. The human body is amazing, and I think that is something we tend to take for granted. Being in a profession where I could teach people how to take better care of themselves, while also helping them live healthy lives, was vital in choosing a career. Growing up, I did not spend much time around chiropractors, until I found Logan. In my early teens, I started coming to the Montgomery Health Center on Logan’s campus for chiropractic adjustments, and Dr. Maddie Roberts piqued my interest in chiropractic. After hearing about her experiences at Logan and with chiropractic, I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Since then, my heart has been stuck on the chiropractic profession and being able to help people live their lives more holistically.

Q: What is the first step in choosing a chiropractic school?

PJ: The first step in choosing a chiropractic school is to be curious. I’ve always thought the human body was interesting, but the things you can change and help without surgery and medication are mind blowing.

GR: In high school, I was trying to decide between being a photojournalist or a chiropractor, which are two very different professions. But, after walking around Logan and getting a “vibe” of the whole school, I felt like I needed to be here. You always hear, “when you know, you know,” and that saying could not have been more accurate when it came to Logan. It just felt like home here.

Q: What is most important when choosing a school?

PJ: The quality of the education was the most important thing to me when choosing a chiropractic school. I’m from Austin, TX, and have lived in many different places, so I wasn’t worried about being close to home. The chiropractic program is very rigorous no matter where you go to school, but here at Logan, most teachers give opportunities to come and talk with them about a test, give study tips and more.

GR: I knew I wanted a program I could start right away, and after finding the 3+3 program, my mind was set. I was able to start classes two weeks after graduating high school. This program allows me to get my bachelor’s degree and Doctorate degree in about six years!

Q: What is the best way to decide on a chiropractic school?                                                                                                                                                                             

PJ: Once you decide on a chiropractic school, my advice would be to create a detailed schedule and find things you love outside of school to help you relax. Having a set schedule seems like a small thing, but it will help you out so much. I am a rapper/singer and content creator, so I love making music and content as a way to escape thinking about school for a bit. Things like streaming on Twitch or making a song helps reduce my stress, which allows me a little reset for big tests that are coming up.

GR: My advice for those deciding on a chiropractic school is to trust your gut. When you know you know! Another piece of advice is to ask as many questions as you possibly can. This is your education, and this profession will be the rest of your life. You need to make sure you feel comfortable at the school and with the education you are getting. It will cross over into every patient you take care of in your career! Don’t be afraid to ask questions, this decision is all about you.

Q: Why did you choose to attend Logan University to pursue your Doctor of Chiropractic?

PJ: The biggest factors in my decision to attend Logan University were the cost and education quality. Money was a huge factor for me because I assumed I could never pay for a doctoral program. After talking with the financial aid office at Logan, my worries were put at ease because we went step-by-step on how paying for the program would work.

GR: A big factor in my decision to attend Logan was getting hands-on learning experiences, which Logan does a great job at providing. Many people may not know this, but we have cadaver labs here, which are not very common at other schools. They give a great view into learning the whole body and understanding why every single part is so important. There are also lots of learning and study resources available that make Logan one of a kind. Plus, the campus is gorgeous!